ReaderDad on Sockpuppet

I expect the day after publication day will always be something of a let-down; but mine was given a huge boost by this smart and amazingly positive review of Sockpuppet by Matt Craig at the ReaderDad blog.

For a debut writer it's wonderful to get this kind of praise from an intelligent reviewer who really understands what you were trying to do in writing the book. Matt ends by saying:

Brilliant writing and a story that is relevant to every person who has ever used a networked device combine to make Sockpuppet one of the standout debuts of the year. Behind the apt (if coincidental) grinning pig on the front cover is a story that grips you from the outset and leaves you wishing for more as the final page is turned. Darkly comic but intrinsically frightening, this is a cautionary tale of an all-too-possible near future and marks Matthew Blakstad as an extremely talented new voice in the world of speculative fiction.

Thanks, Matt!